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Evropa Veriore

Central Europe

Central Africa

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Sara Xhixhabesi

Sara is a legal administrative assistant, based in Tirana, she provides technical support to the legal team, assisting with all their administrative needs.

Eralda Xhezairi

Eralda provides legal support to the lawyers. She has a detailed knowledge of legal precedent and the litigation process.

Mal Këlmendi

Mal works in Oracle’s Tirana office as a Legal Administrator working closely with the lawyers on litigation cases.

Lidia Cobo

Lidia është koordinatore ligjore në zyrën e Oracle Solicitors Albania. Ajo mbështet avokatët dhe ekipin ligjor me detyra administrative. Ajo koordinon menaxhimin e dosjeve, kryen kërkime ligjore dhe menaxhon rrjedhën e punës.