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Evropa Veriore

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Sanction Compliance

International sanctions are critical tools used to maintain global security and diplomacy. Getting legal advice on potential sanctions can help avoid inadvertent violations, manages risks, and safeguards its reputation.

Our services

Sanction Assessment: Our lawyers assess the impact of international sanctions on your trade operations, helping you identify potential risks and compliance requirements.

Risk Mitigation: We assist in implementing internal controls, due diligence procedures, and training programs to mitigate risks associated with trade activities.

Get in touch

If you would like to arrange an appointment with one of our experts then call us on +355 6969 37763 or contact us here.


International sanctions are restrictive measures imposed by governments or international organisations to exert political pressure, deter illegal activities, or maintain global peace and security.

Violating international sanctions can result in severe penalties, including financial fines, trade restrictions, and legal liabilities. Compliance is essential to protect your organisation’s interests and future.


Redon Tartari

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