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Representation in Administrative Court Cases

Administrative court cases involve disputes with government authorities that can impact individuals and businesses. Engaging legal expertise ensures that your rights are protected, arguments are effectively presented, and the complexities of administrative law are navigated successfully. We represent you and help you to uphold your rights in administrative court proceedings.

Our services

Case Assessment: Our lawyers assess the merits of your administrative court case, providing insights into the potential strengths and weaknesses of your arguments.

Legal Strategy: We develop tailored legal strategies to present compelling arguments and evidence in administrative court, ensuring that your case is presented persuasively.

Representation: We provide legal representation during administrative court proceedings, advocating for your rights and interests before administrative tribunals and courts.

Get in touch

If you would like to arrange an appointment with one of our experts then call us on +355 6969 37763 or contact us here.


Administrative court cases involve disputes arising from decisions made by government authorities, such as licensing denials, permit disputes, regulatory violations, and government actions that affect individuals’ rights.

Engaging legal representation ensures that your case is professionally presented, legal arguments are sound, and procedural rules are followed. It increases your chances of achieving a favourable outcome.

The duration of an administrative court case can vary based on the complexity of the case, the court’s workload, and other factors. Our lawyers can provide an estimate based on the specifics of your case.


Evanthi Mara

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