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Evropa Veriore

Central Europe

Central Africa

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Franci Dema

Franci’s role is to maintain, support and administer the internal and cloud based IT infrastructure of the global group.

Mal Këlmendi

Mal works in Oracle’s Tirana office as a Legal Administrator working closely with the lawyers on litigation cases.

Klejsjana Velija

Klejsjana is a highly skilled in-house lawyer based in Oracle’s Tirana office.

Vilma Rista

Vilma is a business analyst responsible for interrogating data for our directors and the heads of legal in the team.

Alessja Furra

Alessja’s role includes the attraction, selection and development of solicitors, other fee earners and business support staff.

Rubin Dogjani

Rubin is a lawyer that specialises in corporate advisory, employment, intellectual property and disputes resolution.

Lidia Cobo

Lidia është koordinatore ligjore në zyrën e Oracle Solicitors Albania. Ajo mbështet avokatët dhe ekipin ligjor me detyra administrative. Ajo koordinon menaxhimin e dosjeve, kryen kërkime ligjore dhe menaxhon rrjedhën e punës.

Era Bilçari

Era provides detailed analyses of the firm’s performance in line with expected data metrics.

Benita Fusha

Benita is a business analyst responsible for interrogating data and providing feedback to the heads of legal and directors.

Erjola Rranga

Erjola is an expert in environmental law and commercial law, where she provides detailed advice services to her clients.